A study in 2015 by Exeter University found that the presence of mould in a home doubled the risk of asthma for tenants.
Living in a mouldy home can be damaging to our health, especially when left unchecked. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a large proportion of the world’s 300 million cases of childhood asthma, can be attributed to living in damp and mouldy homes and are also at increased risk of depression which, in turn, may increase the risk of respiratory symptoms and asthma.
Current asthma statistics in the UK. from the British Lung Foundation, 8 million people – over 12% of the population – have been diagnosed with asthma in the UK. This means that more people have asthma than any other lung disease. Asthma UK. states that 5.4 million people receive treatment for the disease anually.